NYEB demonstration sites
The National Youth Employment Body (NYEB) has three initial demonstration sites across separate regions of Australia. The NYEB aims to utilise learnings to adapt and scale the model to further regions experiencing high youth unemployment across the nation.
A community-embedded youth employment specialist leads the implementation of the NYEB model in each region as an NYEB Lead Partner organisation. Lead Partners are Transition to Work providers who have high experience in working with young people who face multiple challenges to entering the world of work.
Community Investment Committees
Then NYEB has supported each Lead Partner to establish a local Community Investment Committee (CIC) as a key mechanism to harness local expertise and investments to develop place-based solutions to improve youth employment.
Community Investment Committees are a core part of the place-based model used by the NYEB and Transition to Work Community of Practice. Committees build community-led solutions to youth unemployment, beyond those achieved by programs and agencies working alone.
Each Committee brings together local representatives from the key sectors of industry, youth employment services, skills and training, all levels of government, young people and community, to create and strengthen pathways that support both young people and local employers.
Committees are achieving this by leveraging existing efforts and government investments, drawing on real time data and local expertise to identify barriers and opportunities in youth employment, and developing strategies that benefit both young people and local employers and industry.
The Adelaide North, Logan-Beaudesert, and the Shoalhaven Community Investment Committees are working towards community-led priorities by implementing youth employment action plans aligned with local opportunities and growth industries. They are also participating in the NYEB’s national trial of a youth skills pathway into aged care and disability support roles.
The NYEB is also facilitating the ongoing exchange of information and learnings between local Committees and the NYEB’s National Governance Groups to connect local and national solutions. Committees are recognised in their communities and are connected to the national agenda through representation and input on government initiatives, while State and Federal level Government representatives on Committees contribute and gain knowledge of how policy and investments play out at the local level.
Logan, Queensland
Workskil Australia
Adelaide North, South Australia
Mission Australia
Shoalhaven, New South Wales
Community Investment Committees
- Community Investment Committees (CICs) (PDF, 84 KB)
- Snapshots from CICs (PDF, 93 KB)
- National Youth Employment Body: Establishing a Community Investment Committee, Toolkit provides broad guidance on the key elements and steps of developing a Community Investment Committee, and supporting resources such as:
- Agenda, terms of reference and action plan templates
- Overview of key roles
- Mapping the local youth opportunity landscape
- COVID-19 Snapshots: Youth employment across Australia is an inspiring video of young people speaking about their experiences of working in the care sector. The video also features Employer Champions working locally and nationally with Transition to Work providers to harness the community effort and create pathways to employment for young people.