
National Youth Employment Body

The National Youth Employment Body addresses youth unemployment through these key structures: 

  • The Brotherhood of St Laurence is the enabling organisation that provides research, evidence, data, practice expertise and facilitative leadership to build the capacity of local communities to collaborate, and enable the sharing of key learnings between local and national groups and the wider community.
  • Community Investment Committees are the mechanism for key sectors in a community to develop place-based solutions to address youth unemployment.
  • The National Advisory Board provides guidance, expertise and access to networks and opportunities that support the Community Investment Committees to find community solutions. It marshals evidence and develops consistent strategies and practices that in turn are used to inform policy at a national level
  • Employers drive investment in the skills and capabilities of young people by co-designing work-entry pathways that align the aspirations and interests of young people with business needs
  • Young people share their experiences of employment systems and their aspirations, and contribute to co-design and decision-making locally and nationally to ensure actions and strategies are fit for purpose.


The Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment funded the Brotherhood of St Laurence in 2018-2020 as the enabling organisation responsible for establishing and coordinating the NYEB.

From 2020-2027, the Paul Ramsay Foundation is funding the NYEB to expand into nine regions across Australia. In 2022, they were joined by additional philanthropic investors: the Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation, the Macquarie Group Foundation, and the Ian Potter Foundation.

NYEB Advisory Board

The National Youth Employment body is led by an Advisory Board with representatives from business, education and training, unions, entrepreneurship, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sector and government.

Advisory Board members are committed to sharing their knowledge of youth employment pathways and leveraging their networks to advocate for and support the work of the NYEB, including to:

  • Support and advise on the work happening in demonstration sites.
  • Align multiple sectors to influence and co-develop a more coherent and coordinated youth employment approach.
  • Inform a national model that will enable flexible pathways to youth employment in place.

The Advisory Board’s oversight of the strategic direction of the NYEB is also assisted by a series of four expert Working Groups

National Advisory Board members

Chair – Vacant

Sam Mostyn AO stepped down as chair upon her appointment as Governor General.

Travers McLeod

Executive Director
Brotherhood of St Laurence

Amelia Bitsis

Director, Social Impact and Indigenous Engagement
Business Council of Australia

Suzi Hewlett

Strategic Advisor
Manufacturing Industry Skills Alliance

Stuart Hollingsworth

Director, Jobs Tasmania
Tasmanian Department of State Growth

Natalie James

Department of Employment and Workplace Relations

Kathryn Mandla

National Employment Services Association

Jeannie Rea

Associate Professor
Victoria University

Craig Robertson

Victorian Skills Authority

Quin Scalzo

Scalzo Food Industries

Alexandra Staley

General Manager, People

Marg Thomas

Social Policy Division

Jenny Wheatley

Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation

Tiffany Wright

Director, Education

Josie Khalil

Senior Associate, Development
Paul Ramsay Foundation

Jess Graham-Franklin

Partnership Associate
Paul Ramsay Foundation

Expert Working Groups

The Expert Working Groups are made up of:

These groups mobilise cross-organisational expertise to advise on the work of the NYEB in advancing its systemic change agenda, on Community Investment Committees and respond to regional themes and issues identified through local collaboration.

Skills and Training Working group

The Skills and Training Working Group provides expertise and advice on the design and implementation of good practice in education and training that builds the skills and capabilities of young people, and mutually benefits local industry and economic development by its relevance to current and future job opportunities.

National Employer Reference Group

Established in 2018 by the Transition to Work National Community of Practice, the National Employer Reference Group (NERG) brings together employer champions from a range of industries with government, youth employment specialists, and young people to collaborate, share expertise and good practice, and co-create solutions that enable young people to achieve meaningful and decent work.

The NERG provides expertise on the development of employer-orientated youth training and employment strategies to inform policy and programs that align with both the aspirations and capabilities of young people and the needs of employers and industry within local labour markets. 

The NYEB Youth Crew

Young people share their experiences and contribute to decision-making locally through Community Investments Committees and nationally through the NYEB Youth Crew. The NYEB Youth Crew involves young people from NYEB sites around Australia in a national advisory group. Members of the Youth Crew have taken a leading role in many of the NYEB’s advocacy and influencing efforts including presenting to the Select Committee Inquiry into Workforce Australia Employment Services, providing testimony to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Employment, Education & Training’s Inquiry into the Status of VET and providing a video submission to the Federal Government’s Employment White Paper consultations. The Youth Crew set the bar at the NYEB ‘Skills’ Community of Policy and Practice (CoPP) in November 2023 by laying out their essential elements for a reformed, youth-centred skills and training system.

Cross-Government Community of Interest

The Cross-Government Community of Interest brings together representatives from across government departments, to more closely align opportunities and investments within existing programs in youth employment, and to integrate efforts towards a more coordinated policy approach.

The Community of Interest is facilitated by the Department of Education Skills and Employment in partnership with the NYEB and membership includes:

  • Department of Education, Skills and Employment
  • Department of Social Services
  • Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet
  • Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development
  • Department of Education and Training
  • Department of Health